
Prettiest Song Between You N Me

November 23, 2023

"A head full of dreams" will always be my fav song. But "Paradise" always be the prettiest memory between you and me.

I still remember how much fun we had when this music played. "I bring the weak radio from the dorm and dance without any fear in front of everyone, every time, everywhere. Specially in that show with cute glow in the dark wardrobe."

But now, every time a Coldplay's song plays, Paradise and you are so strong in front of my eyes, shine so brightly. Like water in the sea, always be there.

Rest in beautiful place, my lovely person in before my 20th era. I still remember your voice, your swing mood, your random activities, your tears and your core, your soft heart n your bright, everything about you, I remember.

I miss u. 

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